129 to 160 of 931 results
Suptour Friesland
Suptour FrieslandBurgum -
Hervormde Kerk Nes
Hervormde Kerk NesNes Dongeradeel -
Sint Willibrorduskerk
Sint WillibrorduskerkHolwerd -
TOP Feanwâlden
TOP FeanwâldenFeanwâlden -
Kafee It wapen fân Fryslân
Kafee It wapen fân FryslânOentsjerk -
PetgatenEarnewâld -
Burgumer Mar - Jistrum - De Dunen - Uitkijkheuvel
Burgumer Mar - Jistrum - De Dunen - UitkijkheuvelJistrum -
Pleintafel it Wâlhout ontmoetingsplek dorpsplein Eastermar
Pleintafel it Wâlhout ontmoetingsplek dorpsplein EastermarEastermar -
The liberation of Leeuwarden
The liberation of Leeuwarden
On 11 April 1945, it became clear that German resistance in the north of the Netherlands was limited. On 12 April, the Allies seized this opportunity to advance on Friesland as quickly as possible. One of the main goals was to liberate Leeuwarden. The 9th Canadian Infantry Brigade was designated for this purpose. But things would turn out differently.
On 12 April, the Royal Canadian Dragoons entered Friesland at Noordwolde. They were to conduct reconnaissance with their armoured vehicles and reach the Wadden Sea as quickly as possible. As a result, the German troops in Friesland and Groningen would be separated.
On the night of 14 to 15 April, three Squadrons of the Dragoons were at Suameer. Burgum could not be reached earlier that day, because the bridge at Burgummerdam had been blown up by the Germans.
Meanwhile, all sorts of things were happening in nearby Leeuwarden. On 12 April, the airfield had been blown up by the Germans. And they left the city on 14 April. Leeuwarden would not be defended. The Burgerweeshuis (Civil Orphanage) that had housed several German agencies was set on fire. An attempt to blow up the telephone exchange failed due to an ingenious intervention by the resistance. In the early morning of 15 April, the resistance also took to the streets en masse to occupy important points and to capture Germans who had remained behind.
The Dragoons in Suameer were in contact with the resistance in Leeuwarden. Due to various reports, it was unclear whether there was now heavy fighting in Leeuwarden or whether the Germans had left the city completely. Because the Germans had blown up important bridges on the route from Heerenveen to Leeuwarden, the infantry could not quickly provide assistance.
So, the Dragoons went to take a look for themselves. Initially, a patrol of four vehicles was sent via the Groningerstraatweg into the city around half past eleven. One of the Canadians in those vehicles recorded the following:
"As we entered the city, passing through the concrete barrier by the narrow passageway left for normal traffic, we were met by an almost hysterical patrol of Resistance men [...] In a few moments the news of our arrival had spread through the city, and we were given a fantastic welcome as we rolled slowly forward into the centre of town."A resident of Leeuwarden recalled:
"We lived close to the Groningerstraatweg, where our liberators passed. Many hundreds of us stood there, all happy spectators. All of a sudden, two ladies from the row flung themselves forward and threw their arms around the Canadians' necks, saying: "Oh darlings, you’re here at last!"After the patrol determined that the coast was clear, the entire C Squadron, a detachment of the Royal Canadian Engineers and Regimental Headquarters of Lieutenant-Colonel Landell followed. Leeuwarden had been liberated. After this, thousands took to the streets. One of the Canadians wrote:
"We halted, and were immediately surrounded by laughing, yelling mobs of people, bringing flowers to give to us, and cheering every move. The Resistance men were everywhere, doing their best to keep the people within bounds and off the cars, but their efforts were hardly necessary. I never saw a more satisfying gathering in my life."Leeuwarden had been liberated by the Dragoons through unexpected circumstances. On the night of 15 to 16 April, Canadian infantry moved into the city.
Leeuwarden -
www.huyske.comWierum -
Kwekerij en Pluktuin Simmerfruit
Kwekerij en Pluktuin SimmerfruitNoardburgum -
The bombing of Terherne lock
The bombing of Terherne lock
On 11 November 1944, pilots of the Royal Canadian Air Force, based at Welschap airfield near Eindhoven, were ordered to bomb the lock at Terherne in two groups. The reason for the bombardment of Terherne lock was to restrict (German) transport movements. The lock complex was situated on the main shipping route from Germany via Groningen to the Randstad, along which the Germans transported goods and military equipment.
After the railway strike in September had already disrupted rail transport considerably, actions against shipping traffic followed in the months thereafter. The southern part of the country may have been liberated, but fierce battles were still to be fought in the other parts.
Such was the case on that 11th November just after nine o'clock in the morning when the two groups of Hawker Typhoon fighter-bombers took off shortly after each other from Eindhoven for their mission. Around 10:00, the lock at Terherne was bombed from the north for the first time and then again around 10:30.
The consequences were huge for the people living on the lock. The wives of both lock keepers, a one-year-old baby and a German soldier were killed. Also, pilot John Gordon Fraser's aircraft was damaged to such extent that he had to make an emergency landing at St. Johannesga. Although the bombing resulted in the northern passageway being deactivated and no longer usable, the southern passageway remained open and could still be used.
Today, a boathouse for the State yacht of the province of Friesland has been built over the southern passage. A new building, that serves as a guest house for the province, was put up on the site of the lock keeper's house on the south side.
A monument has been erected on the northern pier in memory of those who perished at the lock. This monument was unveiled on 10 November 1985 by Hattum Hoekstra, son of 1st lock keeper Wiemer and Tietje Hoekstra. Since then, the commemoration of the dead in Terherne has always taken place at the old lock, and the children of primary school 'It Kampke' have adopted the monument.
Terherne -
Heemstra State
Heemstra StateOentsjerk -
Oostermeer (Eastermar)
Oostermeer (Eastermar)Eastermar -
ReitdiepZoutkamp -
De Doopsgezinde Vermaning Leeuwarden
De Doopsgezinde Vermaning LeeuwardenLeeuwarden -
Marboei MB43
Marboei MB43De Alde Feanen -
Camping Uit en Thuis
Camping Uit en ThuisKollum -
Lemster Polders - Grutte Bekken - Uitkijktoren
Lemster Polders - Grutte Bekken - UitkijktorenLemmer -
Stichting Seablue
Stichting SeablueOentsjerk -
Gast op stal
Gast op stalWijns -
Clog museum
Clog museumNoordburgum -
Waddenzee-ExpeditiesMetslawier -
Vakantiehuis Burdaard
Vakantiehuis BurdaardBurdaardDirect boekbaar
Bonifatius Brewery
Bonifatius BreweryDokkum -
Ameland - Ballumerbocht - Vogelkijkpunt
Ameland - Ballumerbocht - VogelkijkpuntBallum -
Angélique Drenth Lifestyle Centre
Angélique Drenth Lifestyle CentreEarnewâld -
Fusillade aan de Woudweg
Fusillade aan de Woudweg
De fusillade in Dokkum is de grootste fusillade geweest tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog in Friesland. Een bloedig dieptepunt in de steeds hardere strijd tussen de Duitse bezetter en het verzet.
Het gaat om een wraakactie: drie dagen eerder overvalt het verzet bij het dorp De Valom een auto van de Sicherheitsdienst (SD) met daarin een belangrijke gevangene, in de hoop deze te bevrijden. Bij het vuurgevecht dat ontstaat komen een Duitse SD-er en zijn Belgische chauffeur om het leven.
Artur Albrecht, SD-chef in Friesland, is furieus en wil volgens een getuige Dokkum 'van de kaart van Nederland laten verdwijnen'. Zijn meerderen van de SD-Dienststelle in Groningen geven hem hier echter geen toestemming voor. In plaats daarvan worden twintig gevangenen uit gevangenissen in Friesland en Groningen gehaald en meegenomen naar een weiland aan de Woudweg in Dokkum.
De burgemeester van de stad is zelfs van huis gehaald om toe te kijken. De mannen moeten op een rij gaan liggen in de sneeuw. In groepjes van vijf worden ze naar voren geroepen. Dan klinken er schoten. De lichamen van de slachtoffers moeten een etmaal blijven liggen in de sneeuw, als afschrikwekkend voorbeeld voor de bevolking. De slachtoffers zijn Friezen en Groningers. Sommigen zijn actief in het verzet, anderen zijn Todeskandidaten.
Aan de Woudweg in Dokkum herinnert een monument aan het drama. Jaarlijks is er bij dit monument een kranslegging waarbij leerlingen van scholen in Dokkum worden betrokken.
Verschillende leden van het vuurpeloton worden na de oorlog berecht voor hun betrokkenheid bij de fusillade en krijgen de doodstraf. Zo ook Artur Albrecht. Hij wordt op 21 maart 1952 gefusilleerd op de Waalsdorpervlakte. Het is het laatste doodvonnis dat in Nederland wordt voltrokken.
Dokkum op de Dam
Enkele jaren later, op 4 mei 1956, onthult koningin Juliana het Nationaal Monument op de Dam in Amsterdam. Het monument speelt een centrale rol bij de jaarlijkse Nationale Dodenherdenking op 4 mei die ook altijd wordt bijgewoond door het staatshoofd.
In het monument zijn elf urnen opgenomen met daarin ‘in bloed gedrenkte aarde’. Aarde afkomstig van van strijd- en fusilladeplaatsen uit de elf provincies. Later is ook een 12e urn met aarde uit Nederlands-Indië (het huidige Indonesië) toegevoegd.
Voor het vullen van de Friese urn is aarde gehaald uit de omgeving van Kornwerderzand, strijdtoneel in de meidagen van 1940. Ook is aarde gehaald van fusilladeplaatsen, waaronder de Woudweg in Dokkum en Dronrijp waar op 11 april 1945, een paar dagen voor de bevrijding nog dertien mensen zijn gefusilleerd.
Dokkum -
Voormalig klooster Sinaï
Voormalig klooster SinaïSigerswald -
Paesens-ModdergatPaesens Moddergat -
Boerderijwinkel Bezigh
Boerderijwinkel BezighKootstertille -
De HerdersHoeve
De HerdersHoeveNoardburgum