All activities in Northeast Friesland
457 to 480 of 833 results
Boerderijcamping de Koaipleats
Boerderijcamping de KoaipleatsDamwald -
Bij de hoge houten trap over de zeedijk
Bij de hoge houten trap over de zeedijkLauwersoog -
B&B 't Strunerke
B&B 't StrunerkeAugustinusga -
Groene toren Eastermar
Groene toren EastermarEastermar -
Holiday home Blomsteech
Holiday home BlomsteechHolwert -
Restaurant Ode
Restaurant OdeDokkum -
The liberation of Friesland
The liberation of Friesland
By 18 April, the whole province of Friesland had been liberated, except for the Wadden Islands. Compared to other provinces, there was little fighting in Friesland. Overall, the few thousand German troops who had been unable to escape from Friesland were defeated by the Canadians relatively quickly.
The commander of the Royal Canadian Dragoons, Lieutenant Colonel Landell, praised the actions of the resistance by stating that "Friesland liberated herself". While that may be a bit of an exaggeration, the actions of the Frisian resistance undoubtedly accelerated the liberation. And reduced the number of casualties on the Allied side.
At least 31 resistance fighters lost their lives in confrontations with German troops and their Dutch accomplices. At least eleven Canadians and one Frenchman were killed on the Allied side. Dozens of civilian victims were also killed in the fighting and shelling. The number of casualties on the German side is not known, but it is believed that the number ran into hundreds. With 320 destroyed and 4000 damaged homes and 80 destroyed bridges, Friesland was materially the least damaged province of the Netherlands.
Many German soldiers fled towards the western part of the country. The retreating German troops gathered mostly in Harlingen, Makkum and Lemmer. From there, they tried to get away by boat across the IJsselmeer or via the Afsluitdijk to North Holland. The Wadden Islands also became a refuge for collaborators and German soldiers. Here, liberation was longer in coming.
On the island of Terschelling, the last German troops were disarmed by a British artillery regiment on 29 May. Two days later, the British crossed from Terschelling to Vlieland, and the liberation of that island was also a fact. Ameland was liberated on 3 June.
Personnel from the infamous Scholtenhuis, the SD headquarters in Groningen, had entrenched themselves on Schiermonnikoog. After their departure on 31 May, there was a celebration on the island, in spite of the six hundred members of the occupying troops who still were there. Only on 11 June did the last German soldiers leave Schiermonnikoog, and then the whole province of Friesland was free.
Most Canadian units that had liberated Friesland continued the battle in Groningen and North Germany after 18 April. Their war ended on 8 May 1945, when the surrender of all German armed forces became effective.
Eanjum -
Fryske Waedrinners
Fryske WaedrinnersHolwerd -
De Boer Tweewielers Burgum
De Boer Tweewielers BurgumBurgum -
Geitenboerderij De Vries
Geitenboerderij De VriesSibrandahus -
Epey Mole
Epey MoleRyptsjerk -
De Waard van Napels
De Waard van NapelsDokkum -
Zonnepark Garyp
Zonnepark GarypGaryp -
Headmaster Jakob Klok in the resistance
Headmaster Jakob Klok in the resistance
During the war, Jakob (Jaap) Klok ended up in the resistance in Dantumadeel, where he played an important role. At the time, he lived with his wife and four children in Akkerwoude, where he was headmaster of the school at Hearewei 13. He stayed there until 1947 and will always be remembered as "Headmaster Klok."
Jaap Klok was active socially and in politics as a member of the Dutch Social Democratic Labour Party (SDAP). When party meetings were banned by the German occupiers, Jaap imperceptibly became ever more involved in resistance activities. He passed on party information, distributed illegal newspapers, and looked for addresses for people in hiding. Jaap Klok joined the LO, the National Organisation for Aid to people in Hiding, and became the Akkerwoude village commander.
Although people did not know exactly what he did, it was known that he was in the resistance. Despite the fact that his name circulated among NSB members, he decided not to go into hiding, but instead tried to be even more careful and to sleep at home more often than not.
As the war drew to a close, Jaap became very busy. The Dutch government in exile was calling on railway workers to go on strike. The resistance arranged for the hiding. On 15 December 1944, a group of about sixty refugees from Arnhem arrived at his school. Jaap was indirectly involved in the evacuation committee, which was looking for addresses for the unfortunate Arnhem residents.
Shortly thereafter, he was warned at the schoolhouse that during a raid in Murmerwoude, explicit questions were asked about schoolmaster Klok. Jaap did not hesitate a second and quickly left the house. And not a moment too soon, as ten minutes after his departure the Germans were already on his doorstep. From that moment on, Jaap knew that he had to be very careful. He hardly ever slept at home anymore.
From January 1945 onwards, the situation became explosive. After the discovery of weapons on a farm in Aalsum, the Germans became fanatical. They relentlessly hunted down resistance fighters and used any means to make those who were caught talk. The name "Jaap Klok" was also mentioned during these interrogations. Sufficient reason to leave then and there, with his whole family. The children stayed with relatives. He and his wife went into hiding elsewhere.
During the last weeks of the war, Jaap was very busy. Much had to be organised and discussed within the resistance to expel the Germans and prepare for the arrival of the Canadians. Just before Dantumadeel was liberated, the inhabitants were already beside themselves with joy. They raised the flag and took to the streets en masse to celebrate. Because of his resistance work, Jaap knew exactly what the situation was with regard to the liberation. He climbed onto the balcony of the town hall and addressed the people. After all, the danger had not yet passed. Even when that was the case shortly thereafter, he ensured that peace was maintained among the population of Dantumadeel and thus prevented the molestation of a number of NSB members.
After the war, he held many administrative positions in the province of Friesland. In 1984, Jaap Klok died at the age of 91. Fifteen years later, a statue of him was erected in Akkerwoude, which was then called Damwoude, as a tribute.
From the book "De oorlog een gezicht geven" (deel 6) – Dantumadeel in de periode '40 - '45 by Yvonne te Nijenhuis and Reinder H. Postma
Damwald -
Copini Buitensport
Copini BuitensportLeeuwarden -
Bêd en Brochje de Hollen
Bêd en Brochje de HollenRyptsjerk -
Buwepleats - vierpersoonsappartement
Buwepleats - vierpersoonsappartementDrogeham -
Accommodatie Claercamp
Accommodatie ClaercampRinsumageast -
Mini camping de Zilveren Maan
Mini camping de Zilveren MaanDe Westereen -
De Leijen - Bildreed - Uitkijktoren
De Leijen - Bildreed - UitkijktorenRottevalle -
Grutte Tsjerke Ternaard
Grutte Tsjerke TernaardTernaard -
De Klinze Country House and Estate
De Klinze Country House and EstateAldtsjerk -
Oudebildtzijl (Ouwe-Syl)
Oudebildtzijl (Ouwe-Syl)Oudebildtzijl -
Bed and Breakfast Het Werkmanshuisje
Bed and Breakfast Het WerkmanshuisjeBurdaard