705 to 736 of 957 results
't Heechsân
't HeechsânEastermar -
Klein Veldlust
Klein VeldlustNoardburgum -
Biologisch fruitbedrijf Lauwershof
Biologisch fruitbedrijf LauwershofEngwierum -
De Nôtmûne Koartwâld
De Nôtmûne KoartwâldSurhuisterveen -
Koudum - De Heanmar - Vogelkijkhut
Koudum - De Heanmar - VogelkijkhutKoudum -
De Houtwiel - Vogelkijkpunt
De Houtwiel - VogelkijkpuntBroeksterwald -
‘t Hof van Loeve
‘t Hof van LoeveHantumhuizen -
Hervormde Kerk Westergeest
Hervormde Kerk WestergeestWestergeest -
B&B Hippe Schuur
B&B Hippe SchuurTytsjerk -
Oudemirdumerklif - Uitkijkheuvel
Oudemirdumerklif - UitkijkheuvelOudemirdum -
Memorial stone for Fallen Canadians
Memorial stone for Fallen Canadians
Sunday 15 April 1945, Friesland's official liberation day, was also the day Sneek welcomed the Canadian liberation forces. It had been an exciting day, and the Dutch Domestic Armed Forces (NBS) had fought quite a battle with the occupiers.
A day earlier, German troops had begun to withdraw from Sneek and the NBS had tried to hinder their retreat along the Leeuwarderweg as much as possible. Until a column of German parachute troops had entered the fray and forced the NBS to retreat.
The Waag building in the middle of the city centre was used as a weapons cache by the occupying forces during the war. To prevent it from falling into Allied hands, the fleeing troops set it on fire at around three o'clock on Sunday. Loud explosions and bangs resounded throughout the city for half an hour.
Once the enemy had left the city, the NBS operatives gathered at the HBS school for instructions and the distribution of weapons and armbands. They went into the city to round up traitors. Then, rumour had it that hundreds of German soldiers were on their way to Sneek from Lemmer. Immediately, fortifications were built at the Water gate.
Canadian units were alerted. They were now in possession of the latest defence plans for Sneek thanks to NBS intelligence and were advancing from Joure towards the town.
In the evening around half past seven, the first patrol of the Canadian infantry battalion Le régiment De La Chaudière rode into town with flame-throwers and machine guns. The German troops stayed away, and the full Canadian battalion followed.
Sneek was liberated, but freedom was not yet guaranteed as German troops tried to escape via the Afsluitdijk towards Friesland. The Canadian Regiment of the Queens Own Rifles moved through Sneek to the Afsluitdijk and fiercely fought at Wons. Six Canadian soldiers were killed. They were temporarily buried at Sneek General Cemetery. In 1946, they were reburied at the Canadian Field of Honour in Holten.
Canadian guests
While waiting to return to their homeland, hundreds of Canadian soldiers were lodged with families in Sneek for about five months. On 1 June, the Perth Regiment arrived in the town, which they temporarily renamed Stratford. They were involved in the liberation of Groningen. A committee was set up to entertain the soldiers with various activities. From dances to sailing competitions and special church services.Cordial ties developed between the liberators and the people of Sneek. And sometimes more than that. For Gordon C. Compton and Atty Bouma, one could even speak of "love at first sight". When the last soldiers return home at the end of November, Gordon decided to stay in the Netherlands. On 9 May 1946, he married Atty in Sneek. Not long after, Gordon and his "war bride" left for Canada.
Several monuments in the city recall the special bond with the Canadian military, which remains very close to this day.
Sneek -
Kunstwerk de Flaaksrûpelers
Kunstwerk de FlaaksrûpelersMûnein -
Oudega - Plasdras - Vogeluitkijkpunt
Oudega - Plasdras - VogeluitkijkpuntOudega -
Yms Wolatelier
Yms WolatelierZwaagwesteinde -
Biologisch akkerbouwbedrijf Timpelsteed
Biologisch akkerbouwbedrijf TimpelsteedEngwierum -
Vakantiehuisje Annex
Vakantiehuisje AnnexSchiermonnikoog -
Veerpont Zonnepont Schalkediep (Garijp)
Veerpont Zonnepont Schalkediep (Garijp)Garijp -
Voormalig woon-werkhuis ir. Abe Bonnema
Voormalig woon-werkhuis ir. Abe BonnemaHurdegaryp -
Kerkmuseum Jannum
Kerkmuseum JannumJannum -
Slagerij Menno Hoekstra
Slagerij Menno HoekstraEanjum -
Restaurant De Trochreed
Restaurant De TrochreedReadtsjerk -
Annage Skûtsjesilen
Annage SkûtsjesilenEarnewald -
Kerkje van Hiaure
Kerkje van HiaureHiaure -
Beeld Tryntsje en haar zeven zonen
Beeld Tryntsje en haar zeven zonenOentsjerk -
Brasserie Om de dobben
Brasserie Om de dobbenBurgum -
Pluk en theetuin Vreedebest
Pluk en theetuin VreedebestBornwird -
Kunstwerk Britsum | Hendrik Elings
Kunstwerk Britsum | Hendrik Elings
Een kunstwerk van Hendrik Elings. Dit schilderij laat de ijsbaan van Britsum zien en is uit een reeks van kunstwerken die bij de ijsbanen van de Iisbaankeunstrûte horen.
Britsum -
Gewoan op 'e Dyk BBQ & Grill
Gewoan op 'e Dyk BBQ & GrillDokkum -
De HerdersHoeve
De HerdersHoeveNoardburgum -
Agneskerk Earnewâld
Agneskerk EarnewâldEarnewâld -
Camping Johanna Hoeve
Camping Johanna HoeveRyptsjerk -
Wadlopen Holwerd
Wadlopen HolwerdHolwerd